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LAUREL BERGMAN is a Production Designer, & Artist who comes from an strong Art Director background.  Her training and experience, particularly in industrial and architectural design, contribute to her ability to envision and execute unique and detailed visual landscapes. Laurel Bergman’s contributions have been recognized by the Academy Awards  (nominated, The Revenant, 2016), the BAFTA Award for best picture (winner, The Revenant, 2016), and the Art Director’s Guild Award (winner, The Revenant, 2016), Netflix's A Series of Unfortunate Events (2018) and Daybreak.


Laurel has contributed to many of the most successful feature films of the last decade (2012, Godzilla, 50 Shades of Grey, Mission Impossible IV), and she has worked with the industry’s leading actors, producers, and acclaimed directors.


With an avid interest in film, television, music videos, and interactive design, her passion to expand her knowledge into new technology keeps her at the cutting edge of media.


Laurel graduated from the Ontario College of Art and Design (OCAD) University, in Toronto, Ontario (1997). She was awarded the Charles Magee Memorial Award and Scholarship for Sculpture and Installation (1996) and was selected for the Italy Studio Program in Florence, Italy (1995), for the study of fine art.

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